We’ve had some good warm sunny days, even a thunderstorm, and plenty of wind.  It seems that every day the river opens up a little more.  I love seeing the wildlife that comes to the open water.  Just feels like things are waking up after a very  long, cold winter.  Last night I watched 6 Bald Eagles come sit down on the river’s edge.  Its like they were holding a meeting of some sort.  Then we watched as a herd of deer, with their winter coats starting to come off, walk gently on the edge of the ice.

Spring is such a great time in Minnesota.  It also means we have to start “waking” up the cabins.  It feels good to give them a good cleaning and put the bedding back on.  Then start making them “guest ready”.  We still have a lot of leaves on the ground since we never got to them in the fall.  So the rakes will be smokin’ once the ground is free of snow and dries out.

We will again be holding our annual ICE OUT CONTEST!  Just log onto our Facebook page www.facebook.com/#!/familyresortmn to make your guess.  Then we’ll announce when the ice finally goes off the entire lake, not just in front of us.  Whoever guess the correct date, or closest wins a FREE Finn’ n Feather Resort T-shirt.  Start guessing now!